This title makes me laugh. Mainly because it is actually physically quite difficult for us to “get” anywhere but where we live. Thanks to a dirt road that winds through the mountains kickin up more dust than you can imagine and full of holes and rocks…..Matt likes to say the bus ride is like being on a boat…..and it kind of is….
It feels good though to look back on the past 7 and then some months and see a little progress in SOME areas.
Living situation is great still—in the garage and super happy about it—though it has recently become a stale kind of hot….and living in a garage with a tin roof doesn’t help much-----
We got a new sitemate! Welcome new friend! He is young and full of energy and optimism—it is pretty refreshing (-: He lives with our old host family and must be 6 foot something----but since he is from India originally he blends in a bit more here than us pasty white chelas.
We had a site visit—meaning a supervisor of sorts (an old volunteer who has climbed the chain a bit) came allllllll the way to Quilali to spend some quality time with us and observe some classes. This was really great and gave me a fresh perspective on some things. The class she saw me teach with one of my counterparts went REALLY REALLY well, so that was a definite bonus, although, sadly, it is sort of more the exception than the norm. But at least I know how possible it is to have a class like that now! Work is…..still pretty frustrating at times, but baby steps are being made. Having a great class makes the whole week sort of shine. Despite all other difficulties or frustrations.
We are really REALLY looking forward to vacation with our families in a week!!!! Cannot believe it! Only worry it will make it hard to get back into the swing of things after, but well worth whatever may come!
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