Wow. 15 months later. 2 weeks away from a USA visit and still really wanting it. I must say, time has been flying by lately, except for waiting for the arrival of my new baby niece!!!
A friend recently posted this article on facebook and it explains how I feel a lot of the time here in regards to sometimes feeling like a failure
What The Peace Corp Taught Me About Failure
So elections went off with no disruption in our town, except we lost a few days-week of class....currently the kids are still in school for another week, though the teachers are all gathered in the office, adding the grades which are due the kids just run around free and keep asking if they can leave, and no one seems to know the answer....eerily similar to the beginning of the school year.
I am off in a few short days to do a tech exchange and meet the volunteer who made her house out of bottles and is currently working on another project using the same method. I am struggling to cope with the fact that I have to let go of control and depend on many different people here for this project to work....and I am scared out of my mind at times it won´t. But then in other moments feel so sure that it will....only time will tell.
I am still tired. But busy. And generally happy. Matt is currently in Managua working at a camp for University English Teachers through the US Embassy, so I am experiencey the Q as a solo girl volunteer far so good though it is only day 2 (-:
Really thinking about lots of people at home etc lately....Probably bc that is where we are headed so soon for a little break....
Much love to everyone!
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