Ok, so February 2012 is FLYING BY! The second year really is going to fly by-- I believe it now...I was suspicious about this rumor at first, you know, back when we had 27 months to go...
School "started" this week, but there is still no class schedule at either of my schools..hmmm Well, I can most certainly say at any job interview a skill I have is FLEXIBILITY and give 19 million plus examples from my time as a high school English Teacher here....The teachers look for a room with no teacher in it, and they just go in to teach class....and no one really seemed to be dismissing students at the same time...it's an interesting plan of sorts...I am hoping to have a schedule during week 2 of school, but am fully aware this year that even if I do--it is probably going to change again in week 3. As a person who secretly needs routine, this is making me a little crazy, but not like year one.
In other news--one of my high school principals and I turned in our small grant proposal to build a classroom out of plastic bottles (google pura vida from Guatemala)--and we are headed to Managua on March 2nd to present it to a commitee of people who will decide whether or not to hand over the money to carry out the project. I think it may just actually happen....NOW, just to get those 3 thousand bottles stuffed with plastic....Let's just say there has been (literally) blood, sweat, and a whole lot of tears involved in the process---and we haven't even been officially approved or started construction! Besides writing the darn proposal, making the budget which required 2 quotes for everything (walking long distances to find the guy who makes the concrete blocks or the guy that makes rebar for the windows here), there were a MOUNTAIN of letters to get signed--by the mayor, principals, teachers, the minister of education, etc. Hours and hours and hours and hours spent WAITING (surprise) along with hours and hours and hours of meeting with a construction foreman to come up with the budget and make a tentative work plan/contract...Along with planning and coordinating a 5 school-wide recycling contest to get our hands on *GULP* 3 thousand plastic bottles of a specific size--and speaking with all the teachers/principals from all those schools about the contest...which happens to start this week...
Let's just say....it's been a strange sort of madness...I don't think I would have ever had this experience if it wasn't for PC...
In other random news: still no running water/water at all coming to our house, matt and I have been riding bikes to or from our schools out in the country sides, and I am tired of pasta and rice and beans...and would really like to hold my baby neice again soon (-:
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